This is part 2 of my pumpkin experiment Halloween 2021. How it all began can be read here in part 1.
The pumpkin seeds are now for 2 weeks in the plant pots in the ground. Since then, the plant pots are covered at the window in the warm and are kept moist. Unfortunately, I can not see from the outside whether the seeds sprout at all or not. So I decided to do a germination test 3 days after planting the seeds. Because I wanted to know if there was any chance at all that the seeds would sprout.
Such a germination sample is made very quickly. I placed them at the window in the sun and after about 1.5 weeks the two seeds slowly sprouted. First a root could be seen, which slowly made its way out of the core. In one of the two cores a few days later even a piece of green came out. This later became the plant itself. Now I knew that there was at least a chance that it would look similar in the plant pots. The success of the own cultivation moves with it a piece in grasping proximity. I then planted the two seeds from the germination sample in 2 pots. On the picture these are the two light brown plastic pots. Unfortunately, I had no more growing pots.
The whole pumpkin experiment can be found here in full length