AtmosFX has released the so-called Plug-n-Playlists on 1.09.2021. Now of course the question is, what is this and what does it
What is a Plug-n-PlayList
The Plug-n-Playlists are ready-made videos that AtmosFX has put together for us here. A few videos were selected from the numerous packages and cut together in 3 theme-based videos. Thereby the single videos within a plug-n-playlist are connected with each other by a simple crossfade and so end as they start. This means you can loop a playlist seamlessly.
The structure of the Plug-n-Playlists eliminates the need to manually compile individual scenes or cut your own videos. Thus, the playlists are very well suited for beginners in the topic of digital decoration.
How to use the playlists
The 3 videos are only available in landscape format (16/9) and are designed for projection at the window as well as playback at the TV. To play the videos, copy them to a USB stick and plug it into the TV or beamer. However, you should check beforehand whether these devices can also play videos in a loop if this is required.
I am in a hurry
If you are in a hurry and don’t want to read, watch the review of the AtmosFX Plug-n-Playlists on my YouTube channel.
Where do I get the playlists?

Plug-n-PlayList 1 – Trick-or-Treaters Greeters
This playlist is designed for children and families. There is a compilation of
- a ghost parade
- the good Frankenstein
- a dance of the monsters
- funny dancing skeletons
- laughing pumpkins
- the good witch
- a changing window decoration
From my point of view, the playlist is very well put together, because it is already difficult to choose the right videos from the multitude of AtmosFX packages. Because the playlist starts and ends with the pumpkins, you can play it in a loop for the whole evening.
You can find the individual scenes used here.
Plug-n-PlayList 2 – Host of Ghosts
If you are looking for spooky ghostly atmosphere, then this playlist is just the right thing. It features ghosts and other strange spirits that appear and disappear all the time. With this you can create a nice creepy mood.
There is a combination of
- a ghost that is too big and a bit out of shape
- rising ghosts that make it look like they come from the basement and move through the house to the attic
- the beautiful lady of the house, who in my opinion carries a dark secret with her
- a ghost pirate who has had too much to drink and is now staggering around the area and wants to get rid of us
- a seductive siren who is watching us and wants to put us under her spell
- and the double trouble with our evil twins
This compilation has earned the name “Host of Ghosts”. Sometimes more and sometimes less creepy the ghosts make their rounds at the window or on the TV set. The compilation could possibly be used for children, but that depends on the age and you should then decide for yourself.
I have a few of the individual videos Halloween with me use and the children usually look rather excited, what the ghosts are doing.
You can find the individual scenes used here.
Plug-n-Playlist 3 – Fright Nights
If you want to scare your neighbors or your visitors on Halloween, then this playlist is just the right thing. This playlist is designed to give send a chill down your spine.
There is a compilation of
- a wild horde, which scares you with fishing hooks, knives and much more
- a visitor from another world, who seems to come through a black hole to get your soul
- a clown who has been teased and is now angry and wants to scare you again and again
- a fake game that you see only as a shadow, leaving a lot of room for imagination
- a wild horde of zombies that is after you
- a house facade that comes to life
- and a ghost that burns everything around it
The playlist has more than earned its name, because with zombies, people chasing you and other ghostly creatures that want to catch your soul, you can scare everyone once really. The only thing that doesn’t really fit in my opinion is the “Facade of Fright”, the facade that comes to life, because that doesn’t really fit the use as a window projection. On a TV set it still fits, but otherwise this scene is more suitable for a projection on a wall.
Nevertheless, the playlist is otherwise super put together.
You can find the individual scenes used here.
Full review on YouTube
All scenes of the playlists at a glance
Trick-or-Treaters Greeters
Kids and family friendly with a compilation of fun scenes from the following packages:
- “Ghosts on Parade” from “Boo Crew” **
- “Frankenstein – Candy Thief” from “Trick and Treats” **
- “Monster Boogie Dance” from “Halloween Monster Bash” **
- “Ballet of Bones” from “Bone Chillers 2” **
- “Funny Faces” from “Jack-O Lantern Jamboree” **
- “Spellbound” from “Witching Hour” **
- “Halloween Window” (excerpt) from “Halloween Window” **
Host of Ghosts
Ghostly spooky atmosphere can be found in this compilation from the following individual packages:
- “Ghost Pirate – Yo Ho Ho” from Ghostly Apparitions 2 **
- “Beckoning Beauty – 2 Roaming Scenes” from Ghostly Apparitions **
- “Wicked Wraith – Rise of the Wraiths & Face of Death” from Paket Phantasms **
- “Slender Spectre – Bent out of Shape” from Ghostly Apparitions 2 **
- “Evil Twins – Double Trouble” from Macabre Manor **
- “Seductive Sirene – Siren’s Sway” from Phantasms **
Fright Nights
- “Gathering Horde” from Zombie Invasion **
- “Foul Play” from Sinister Shadows **
- “Jester – Now You See Me” from Creepy Clowns **
- “Swarming Terrors” from Paket Terrors from Beyond **
- “Endless Nightmare Excerpt” from Paket Night Stalkers **
- “Shocking Shade – Burning Man” from Paket Ghostly Apparitions 2 **
- “Facade of Fright” from Paket Paranormal Passage **
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